
Global Higher Education courses are accredited by TEQSA Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency. TEQSA is Australia’s independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education in Australia. See

Master of Business (Analytics)

The course is designed for business professionals with a flair for analytics and who want to develop skills in data analysis and leadership for decision-making in strategic management. Students will be exposed to contemporary knowledge and tools in analytics that can be applied to complex problems in digital markets.
The course introduces and develops skills and leading edge thinking in areas including co-creation; data mining and analytics; project management and contemporary issues to achieve business outcomes

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Master of Information Technology (Security Management)

MIT(SM) is to provide students with a bridge between IT/IS and management. Basing the course of study on the fundamentals of information security strategy, networks, risk management, governance and ethics, a security management perspective will integrate the knowledge, skills, and techniques required to manage security challenges in organisations.

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