Why study at Global Higher Education

GlobalHE strives to become a globally recognised higher education provider offering contemporary, evidence-based courses and will seek accreditation of additional courses over time.

We recognise that sometimes the student journey can be confusing and the road is not always straightforward, that’s why we have support staff and services on hand to deal with any bumps in the road and to offer the best advice we can. You will always find staff have time for you as an individual and are more than capable of helping to help you succeed. All the staff at GlobalHE look forward to inspiring and supporting your learning and professional success.

Our Classes

You can use this element to explain to visitors what you do Classroom time is supported by a well-developed range of learning resources that can be accessed through the Learning Management System. There is plenty of opportunity in our workshop/webinar learning environment for everyone to get involved in the discussion and to debate issues in a secure, respectful and safe way. Our smaller class sizes allow for a personalised approach and a level of learning support not common in higher education.

Our courses

Our courses are founded on a collegial approach to education, involving students, staff and professional bodies working together to transform individual lives in pursuit of personal and professional development.

Our Teaching staff

Our teaching staff have professional experience in the subjects highly qualified faculty members who bring a wealth of knowledge, dedication and enthusiasm. have professional experience in the subjects they teach and are current in their knowledge of relevant trends to the classroom.

Industry Engagement

We engage with businesses and organisations in our community to bring some of the latest thinking and developments in the business environment which will help prepare all our students for their future careers.

Equitable Access

GHE supports and affirms its commitment in endeavouring to foster a learning environment in which all students and staff have equal opportunity to access and participate and succeed in their educational journey and one in which diversity is valued and respected.

These principles of access and equity are integrated within GHE’s policies and procedures for all in its learning and working community. GHE welcomes diversity and equity and regards educational as a fundamental right for all. GHE complies with all relevant legislation in equity and diversity. GHE does not discriminate against people of the basis of age, race, colour, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or physical or intellectual disability, either in the recruitment of staff and students or the implementation of its policies, procedures and activities.

GHE is committed in providing equal opportunity and promoting inclusive practices and processes for all staff and students within the limits of its resources. What does all of this mean for you? Put simply, it means you are welcome at GHE. 

Student Success

At GHE we want all of our students to succeed. This starts from when you initially think about studying, as we work with you to ensure you have made the best choice to meet your needs, on to getting started on your first unit and all the way through your learning journey until graduation! Even then we hope you will stay in touch and perhaps help support the learners who come after you with professional practice insights from your employment experience.

On that journey we can provide you with the appropriate learning resources and services to support you and your study ambitions. We recognise that, for some, balancing life, work and study can be a challenge but we will be flexible where we can and work with you to find a solution when life gets uncertain. There is rarely a study related problem that can’t be solved, just contact our team to discuss how we can solve it together. 

Learning and Teaching

All teaching delivery will be student focused and inclusive. All students will be engaged with learning activities which are interesting, challenging and varied.

This will be supported by a well-structured and readily accessible Learning Management System for all students with appropriate learning materials and activities. Much of this digital material will be as current as possible given the global shift to the increased availability of such material. Additional learning opportunities will be available periodically as webinars with visiting professionals from relevant areas of professional practice.

At GHE we greatly encourage the nurturing of the reflective student and future reflective practitioner.

Our aim is to develop our students to have excellent interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills; to be strong communicators, orally, in writing, and in public; to be resilient, independent and well organised; to value teamwork, and understand how to contribute to teams; to be able to make informed decisions, choose from options, and deal with ambiguity and conflicting priorities; and finally, to be well networked with relevant networks to support your on-going success.