Master of Business (Analytics)

Name of Course: Master of Business (Analytics)

Course Code:       GHEMOB21
CRICOS:                115139C
AQF Level:            9
Duration:               2 years (Full -time)
                                 3 years (Part-time)
Delivery Mode:    Face-to-face 
Total Course fee: $32000

Academic Entry Requirements

International Students: Bachelor's degree or other qualification equivalent to AQF 7 or 8  (or overseas equivalent). in any discipline.

Domestic Students: AQF 7 or 8 (or equivalent).

English language requirement

International Students: IELTS or equivalent with an overall score of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each test component.

Domestic Students:
First-degree language of instruction was English.

Course Outline

The course is designed for business professionals with a flair for analytics and who want to develop skills in data analysis and leadership for decision-making in strategic management. Students will be exposed to contemporary knowledge and tools in analytics that can be applied to complex problems in digital markets.

The course introduces and develops skills and leading edge thinking in areas including co-creation; data mining and analytics; project management and leadership to achieve business outcomes.

There are no pre-requisites, for the units, however, students are required to attain 150 credit points before enrolling in Capstone units under Year 2 Semester 2.

Course structure

Click on the units to find out more. Note: there are no prerequisites, the units listed must be completed in the sequence indicated.

Year 1- Semester 1- Term 1

Code       Unit                                                                                                            Type            Credit Points 

MGT9800 Contemporary Issues in 21st Century Business and Security Management              --Core unit--      15 Credit Points 

This is a core unit. This unit builds on students’ understanding and synthesis of the theory and practice of management and enables them to apply this understanding to complex issues faced by managers in the contemporary business environment. These issues range across economic, social, political, and technological areas. Drawing upon contemporary events from     these areas, students will analyse their wider ramifications and learn to make judgements. Guest speakers on specialist topics provide additional insights for the students. Overall, the unit develops students’ critical and holistic thinking skills and teaches students to communicate effectively.

ULO1. Critically review the key challenges facing business and management in a global context.  
ULO2. Analyze a current challenge facing a business, from analytics or IT perspective, and advocate for the current strategy and how it is achieving a sustainable organisation. 
ULO3. Investigate how data has informed and shaped management decisions in a business or IT context.   
Students work with practical examples informed by guest speakers relevant to their specific course. 

DAS9800 Introduction to Analytics                                                                            --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This unit introduces students to fundamental concepts and contemporary knowledge of data science and machine learning and analytics, providing a context for careers as future business managers. Bridging the gap between business information and the output produced by analytics, students will learn how businesses can leverage analytics and data science for their benefit, along with practical techniques managers can use. Also examined are programming tools used by data scientists, statisticians, and analysts. Students will also explore the ethics of data science and responsible AI innovations.
ULO1. Critically reflect on the impact of analytics in commerce, science, and academia 
ULO2. Critically review a business case study that exposes a business analytics approach 
  ULO3. Assess the impact of adopting an analytics approach in the operation of an organisation 
ULO4 Argue for a business analytics project to improve organisational performance

Year 1- Semester 1- Term 2

BUS9801 Strategic Marketing Management                                                   --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This unit enables students to understand a strategic approach to implementing an effective marketing strategy within the broader context of evolving approaches to marketing. With this understanding, students analyse distinctive marketing strategies and critically evaluate the approaches used by organisations to navigate and manage their relationships with markets and customers.
ULO1. Advocate how a strategic approach to marketing strategy supports organisational goals  
ULO2. Devise an effective visual design for a marketing strategy and communicate its importance to an audience 
ULO3. Elucidate different marketing strategies in a current business environment
ULO4. Critique two organisation’s business marketing strategies and recommend two changes 

BUS9802 Financial Analysis --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This unit is designed to provide an understanding of the importance and role of financial data within an organisation. It is designed for the non-specialist and to covey the key concepts, measures, and tools available to managers. financial statements and their uses and limitations. At the end of the unit, students should be able to read financial statements for different business structures, compare the various sources of finance available to a business, and calculate financial ratios necessary for decision-making. Overall, they will have gained the confidence to contribute to a discussion of the financial measures relevant to decision-making in an organisation.
ULO1. Advocate for the importance of understanding financial statements in business management ULO2. Critically evaluate and use information in company financial statements to assess the performance
ULO3. Authenticate and calculate various financial and management accounting components and their limitations  
ULO4. Elucidate how businesses make capital investment decisions 

Year 1- Semester 2- Term 1

MGT9801 Leadership and Management --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This is a core unit. This unit aims to develop learner understanding of managerial leadership, as opposed to social, parliamentary, and other leadership styles and contexts.Drawing upon the scholarship and research in the fields of leadership, management and organisational psychology, . this unit supports students development of higher level problem-solving skills applicable in all management environments. It focuses on people management and the role of communication. Using effective interpersonal and negotiation skills, students address solutions to different management and leadership issues in business settings.
ULO1. Elucidate your understanding of leadership and reflect on contemporary leadership theories  ULO2. Articulate the importance of leadership in high-performing organisations  
ULO3. Appraise the leadership of a selected organisation and evaluate the challenges faced in relation to sustainability and ethical practice

DAS9903 Statistical data Analysis --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This unit provides students with the theoretical and practical foundations for the analysis and interpretation of quantitative data in small and large data sets using statistical methods. Areas covered in this unit encompass a range of statistical topics and techniques, including descriptive and inferential statistics, probability and likelihood theory, common distributions, and the analysis of numerical data, all of which provide a foundation for advanced statistical work. Students will learn the R programming language through participation in a series of workshops and practical labs. Understanding numbers and quantitative data is vital to any manager’s success.
ULO1. Interrogate given data sets and determine the appropriate mathematical solutions to analyse the data 
ULO2. Advocate for appropriate statistical techniques to interpret and describe data with confidence  ULO3. Perform analysis of data sets and argue relationships and dependencies between variables using statistical models
ULO4 Implement advanced statistical techniques to gain insights from large and small data sets

Year 1- Semester 2- Term 2

BUS9804 Innovation Through Co-Creation --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This unit introduces students to the value of co-creation as a business strategy, as well as frameworks and methods for effectively co-creating value with customers. Through co-creation, businesses and customers work together to ensure products and services meet each customer’s needs. While co-creation benefits both businesses and customers, it is challenging to implement effectively and requires customers to be involved in design processes. Students will apply these insights to the design of an innovative business strategy embedding co-creation practices.
ULO1. Argue the value of co-creation for businesses and customers 
ULO2. Critique contemporary frameworks and methods of co-creation in an organisational context ULO3. Defend choice of co-creation methods as they are applied to the design of innovative business strategies 
ULO4. Communicate the results of co-creation processes to a variety of audiences 

BUS9805 Managing Communications in the Digital Age --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This unit introduces students to the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) to effectively plan, implement and evaluate communication programs. Attention is focused on communications in the digital domain, including web, social media and email. Students gain an understanding of marketing processes, consumer behaviour and communications theory that enables them to execute communication programs and campaigns.
ULO1. Argue the importance and utility of using an IMC approach in contemporary business. 
ULO2. Adapt theoretical elements of the IMC approach to a practical case study.   
ULO3. Devise a brief for an external IMC campaign that is client-focussed and advocate for the brief in a formal presentation .

Year 2- Semester 1- Term 1

MGT9900 Project Management --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This is a common core unit. This unit introduces students to an agile project management framework to be applied to the management of projects within a business context. The unit covers the essentials of project management - scope, time, and cost. Students will prepare a business case for a management project. Within this context they will develop and enhance their skills in relation to project negotiations, conflict management, resource management, and leadership of a project management team. Students work with practical examples informed by guest speakers relevant to their specific course.
ULO1. Validate the adoption of agile project management in contemporary business 
ULO2. Apply an agile project management approach to the preparation of a business case 
ULO3. Critically reflect on the project leadership skills utilised in preparing the business case

DAS9900 Practical Data Mining --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

In this unit students are introduced to the process of extracting patterns and insight from structured and unstructured data using machine learning and statistical methods and applications. Using statistical models and machine learning techniques such as neural networks, natural language processing and deep learning, students learn how to produce insight from data sets small and large, recognising the significance of patterns and trends in data. Regression, decision trees, neural networks and Bayesian networks all form part of the learning experience. Study in this unit involves use of open-source software in practical lab sessions. Using industry-standard knowledge, students learn to manage a data project from preprocessing to deployment.
ULO1. Advocate the importance of data analytics in driving modern business practice 
ULO2. Justify the use of data mining techniques to solve particular business problems 
ULO3. Produce effective data visualisations and technical reports that represent data mining results correctly 

Year 2- Semester 1- Term 2

MGT9901 Research Methods --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

This is a common core unit. This unit prepares and familarises students with the research process and enables students to oversee, formulate or implement business research in a commercial setting. Students are introduced to the concepts associated with each step of the research process applied to a commercial research project: from problem definition and identification, followed by research design, measurement and data collection, to data analysis and presentation of research findings. Students in work with practical examples informed by guest speakers relevant to their specific course.
ULO1. Evaluate different approaches to conducting business and IT research in an organisational context 
ULO2. Conceptually map the research process and devise a research methodology that acknowledges the importance of research in the organisational context 
ULO3. Formulate a plan for data collection, analysis, and presentation of research findings to a target audience 

DAS9901 Data Analytics for Decision Makers --Core unit-- 15 Credit Points

In this unit students will bridge the gap between business operations and data science, building on their knowledge of statistics and analytics. As managers, students need to understand not only what insight analytics can bring to the organisation, but how that insight is brought about, together with the high strategic value gained from even the basics of analytics modelling. The unit also develops students’ technical abilities with data science, learning about quantitative techniques in a business analytics context, selecting the appropriate technique for problems faced by businesses, and deploying solutions in a meaningful way. Techniques such as forecasting, decision tress and probability are also emphasised.
ULO1. Argue the case for the importance of data analytics for profitability in modern businesses
ULO2. Implement optimisation techniques to evaluate the best business solution from the case study provided .
ULO3. Apply machine learning techniques to a contemporary business analytics problem  ULO4. Substantiate reasons why and how the selected technique addressed the problem

Year 2- Semester 2- Term 3 and 4

MIT/MGT 9902 Professional Engagement --Core unit-- 30 Credit Points

This is a preparation for practice unit. This unit provides opportunities for students to participate in professional development events to prepare for their future professional practice in the workplace. These events may include participation in online seminars, internal and externally hosted lectures/talks, trade seminars, workshops, trade fairs, expos, online community forums, and online professional development activities. Participation in these events allows students to apply learning from their current studies to real-world contexts. In planning these professional development activities, students will be guided by relevant industry/professional standards. Students will work with practical examples informed by guest speakers.

ULO1. Argue a case for what constitutes professional engagement in your profession
ULO2. Assemble relevant professional engagement activities and participate in them
ULO3. Critically reflect on your experiences in undertaking professional engagement activities
ULO4. Critique the role professional bodies play in setting ethical standards for the profession 

MIT/MGT 9903 Consultancy Management Project --Core unit-- 30 Credit Points

This is a preparation for the practice unit. This unit enables students to gain real-time experience in solving problems in a business analytics /IT context. By utilizing research skills and applying the knowledge they have gained from studying in previous units in the course, students identify solutions to solve real-world business problems. Students work together in teams to gain and practice skills in collaboration, and managing relationships with others and with a client.

ULO1. Formulate a research plan to address an identified business/IT issue in an organisation
ULO2. Applying learnings from previous units in the course, design a project proposal that provides solutions to the identified business/IT issue
ULO3. Working in groups negotiate with team members, supervisor and the client to action a proposal
ULO4. Compose a report and present it to the client drawing on theory, principles and practice relevant to the project and its context 

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able to critically analyse issues arising across the areas of contemporary business from both a theoretical and practical perspective.

Graduates will be able to apply analytics to solve a variety of business problems by working with data and using it to inform sound business decisions.

Graduates will be able to collaborate with others, lead teams responsibly, and utilise relevant interpersonal skills to achieve individual and collective outcomes in workplace settings.

Graduates will be able to communicate clearly the results of complex analysis using a range of traditional and contemporary written, oral and visualised formats.

Graduates will apply relevant cognitive and practical skills to analytics and research tasks suitable for professional practice.

Graduates will be able to plan and undertake a business analytics project using relevant tools, research methods and project management techniques, whilst applying ethical and professional standards.

Please refer to the GHE Teaching and Learning Model for more Information.

Expected Graduate Employment Opportunities

• Data/information analyst
• Business analytics specialist
• Market research analyst
• Retail analytics.

All these careers involve providing critical insights through the analysis of data in business, scientific labs, or government departments. Improving the efficiency of organisations and their operations is a key component.

Advanced Standing

Prospective students may apply for credit and recognition of prior learning as per the Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and associated Procedure

Accreditation Status:

The Master of Business (Analytics) is accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).

AQF recognition

This course is recognised as Level 9 under the Australian Qualifications Framework

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Master of Business (Analytics)-115139C

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